


Children Aid South Sudan (CASS) is committed to ensuring the well-being of children in South Sudan through targeted health initiatives that address the unique challenges faced by children in the region.

South Sudan’s health landscape is marked by high rates of malnutrition, preventable diseases, and limited access to healthcare services. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, CASS has prioritized programs that tackle these issues head-on.


Our efforts include community-based nutrition programs aimed at combating malnutrition and stunting in children. We provide fortified meals, nutrition education for families, and routine growth monitoring. Additionally, we facilitate vaccination campaigns to protect children from diseases such as measles, polio, and tetanus.

Access to clean water and sanitation is another critical area of focus. Through the installation of boreholes and promotion of hygiene practices, we reduce the prevalence of waterborne illnesses like diarrhea, which disproportionately affect young children.

CASS also empowers local health workers through training and supplies to improve healthcare delivery in remote areas. These efforts ensure that even the most vulnerable children receive timely and effective medical attention.

By addressing these fundamental health challenges, CASS continues to build a healthier, brighter future for the children of South Sudan. We believe every child deserves the chance to grow, thrive, and achieve their full potential.

Gatdona Kueth’s story of hope

A Story Of Hope

None of this would be possible without the help of supporters like you. 

Extra pulmonary tuberculosis is a debilitating disease. It accounts for about 20-30% of all active TB cases and affects mainly children and young adults with compromised immune system. According to the 2022 global TB Report, TB incidence in South Sudan stands at 227 per 100,000 populations.

Children Aid South Sudan (CASS) is providing lifesaving primary Health care services to Returnees from Sudan, IDPs and their Host communities in Rubkona and Guit Counties of Unity State through Static and 2 mobile Clinics in Rubkona and Guit Counties respectively.

Gatdona Kueth, an eleven-year-old male Child who has been displaced by flooding together with his parents has been bed ridden for nearly a year without definitive treatment to his ailment. After seeking care from the different healthcare sources, his parents retreated to their ancestral village of Kurbone to seek traditional remedy as his relatives thought the sickness that was crippling the eleven years old Gatdona couldn’t be treated with any conventional medicine.

On 4th January 2024, Febrile and in severe pain, the bed ridden Gatdona was carried to one of our mobile clinic sites at Manga Port where he first interfaced with our clinician who identified him, made an impression and referred him to the IOM supported PHCC at Bentiu POC where he is now being treated for Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis and have already shown remarkable improvement.

In resource limited Countries, many children like Gatdona get crippled and sometimes die due to misdiagnosis and in many times become disabled due to late initiation of definitive treatment. Children Aid South Sudan (CASS) through the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund Reserved allocation 6 is reaching out with lifesaving primary health care and linking critical cases such as the one of Gatdona Kueth to where advanced critical care can be obtained.

Gatdona Kueth is one of the many referrals that our mobile and static clinical team under the SSHF-RA_6 has been linking for secondary healthcare services.