Over 80%
of the population lives in poverty, and 7.76 million face severe food insecurity. 1.4 million children are malnourished.
Over 65%
of women and girls have experienced physical or sexual violence, worsened by the ongoing conflict.
Over 2.6 Mil
children are out of school, with girls most affected. Literacy is just 34.5%, with women lagging behind.
Over 2.2 Mil
people are displaced within South Sudan, and 2.3 million have fled as refugees with the on-going conflict.
1,150 Deaths
per 100,000 live births, and the under-five mortality rate is 96 per 1,000. Healthcare access is severely limited.
Over 56%
of the popn lack basic healthcare, with preventable diseases like malaria and diarrhea causing high child mortality.